Recruitment of 19 Nos of Supporting staffs in Manipur State Co-Operative Bank Ltd, Manipur vide their advertisement Dated 25th September, 2020. Last date for submission of Application form is 31.10.2020.
Details of the posts :
1. Driver
No of posts : 3 (1- UR, 1-ST and 1- OBC)
2. Multi Tasking Staff
No of Posts : 16 ( 10 -UR, 4-ST, 1- OBC(Meitei), 1- OBC (Meitei Pangal)
Age Limit:
a) For the post of Driver, the candidate should not be less than 21 years and not more than 38 years as on the date of notification.
b) For the post of Multi-Tasking Staff, the candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 38 years as on the date of notification.
c) The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years for SC/ST candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates.
Centre of Examination: Imphal.
Eligibility Condition:
i) The candidate must be a citizen of India.
ii) The candidate must be able to speak Manipuri or any of the tribal dialects of Manipur.
iii) The candidate must be a permanent resident of Manipur provided that a candidate whose parent or any of his/her direct lineage are permanent resident of the State, with proper
documentary proof like enrolment in the electoral roll and birth certificate, will also be eligible.
Educations Qualifications:i) For the post of Driver :
a) Matriculate /Equivalent from any recognised institutions.
b) Driving License (Light motor Vehicle) from a State licensing authority with three years experience in driving.
ii) For the post of Multi – Tasking Staff
Matriculate /Equivalent from any recognised institutions.
Desirable: Computer Knowledge.
Application Fees: i) SC/ST- Rs.200/- (ii) General and OBC – Rs.500/-
* Application fee is non- refundable and not transferable.
Application fee should be paid by Demand Draft favouring “Manipur State Co-operative Bank Ltd.” payable at “Imphal” only. Candidate’s name, Address and Post applied for should be written on the reverse of the Demand Draft.
List of documents to be submitted at the time of application:a) Permanent Resident Certificate issued by the District Magistrate/competent authority.
b) Age proof Certificate.
c) Educational qualification Certificates along with relevant Mark Sheets from matriculation and onwards.
d) SC/ST/OBC Certificate for candidates seeking reservation available for SC/ST/OBC category.
e) 2 (two) recent passport size photograph should be submitted out of which 1 (one) should be firmly pasted on the Application Form and should be signed across it by the candidate.
f) Driving License (Light motor Vehicle) from a State licensing authority with three years experience in driving, IF THE POST APPLIED IS FOR “DRIVER”.
Scheme of Examination: i) The scheme of examination will be purely based on written test only (Questions will be of Matriculation Standard).
Submission of application:
Candidates must apply as per Application Format published in the News papers only along with this advertisement. Form should be filled in with Black ball point pen. Candidates should use the Forms typed neatly on white paper of FOOLSCAP SIZE (21 cms X 30 cms ) in double space on one side of paper only and fill up the columns in their own handwriting. The Application Form should be filled up in English and not in any other language. The application has to be duly dated and signed by the candidate. Applicants are required to drop the application Form, complete in all respects, along with enclosures inside an unaddressed envelope in the box provided for this purpose at the Manipur State Cooperative Bank Ltd., Imphal/Main Branch at Old Assembly Road, Imphal. Incomplete application and application received after the due date will be rejected and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
Last Date of Form Submission: 31/10/2020 (4 p.m.)
Payment of TA/DA: Candidates will be required to appear at the written Test at their own expense and no allowances including TA/DA will be paid for the purpose.
Helpdesk: In case of any problem in filling up the form, payment of fee or receipt of Admission/Call letter, queries may be made at telephone No. (0385)-2451540 (between 10.30 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.) on all working days.
General Instructions:
- For any query relating to the exam, you can e – mail us to the following e –mail by mentioning “Recruitment of staff in MSCB Ltd.” in the subject of the email.
- Application form not accompanied with prescribed fee or not as per the prescribed format or incomplete in any respect will not be entertained.
- A candidate cannot apply for more than one post.
- Canvassing for the posts, in any form, will be a disqualification.
- Date, timing and examination venue at Imphal will be provided to the candidates through e-mail/SMS/local news papers in due course after the completion of application receipt and verification process.
To download the application form : CLICK HERE
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